
LinkedIn Profiles

Create optimum impact with a professional LinkedIn Profile and Summary of your valuable skillset, achievements and experience. With a professional LinkedIn profile you will maximise your visibility to employers

Career Consulting Services

Changing career direction or making a transition can be a daunting process especially when you have been with one employer for a considerable period. It's equally daunting when you have run your own business and are now making the move to external employment.

Interview Coaching & Preparation

Gain the skills to greatly enhance your interview performance and success rate! The one-on-one coaching service includes an interactive mock interview with step-by-step coaching and instructions to boost your interview performance.

Career Consulting

Firstly an action plan is worked on which consists of summarizing your overall skills, experience and achievements. 

It must also identify the skill-sets which are transferable to other work sectors – these may not be immediately recognizable without professional assistance. Rest assured most people have more skills than they realise.

Clearly identifying and incorporating your personal & work goals is a key step of the Career Consulting service! 

I write this with emphasis. What is the point of changing career without a new purpose, goals and direction? It is KEY. This is important to discuss as it often lies at the heart of changing a career direction or transitioning. 

In combination these will be used to create a realistic, personal program for you to follow and will support you through one of the most challenging steps of your transition and ensure you move forward with certainty.

It will enable you to confidently seek, envision and create new, positive opportunities.

Inquire now!


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